Complete Organic Plant Food – 50ml

Small but mighty, this 50ml bottle contains all the plant nutrients your plant buddies could ask for. Made of 100% organic sugar beets, it’s completely plant-based and a personal favourite of ours when it comes to boosting growth. 

Whether you’re growing cuttings in water or looking to boost your soil-based plants, this is the plant food you’ve been looking for. We’ve tried and tested many options and landed on this organic formula. It comes in a compact  glass bottle with an eyedropper.

Using this liquid all-purpose plant food stimulates growth, gives them support and builds immunity. All you need is just 1 drop per 250ml of water per week for your plants growing in water. Growing them in soil instead? Just double the dose. It’s like organic plant magic. Do you have a big plant family? We also have a bigger 450ml bottle available.

EAN: 608614999606


In stock

Grow happy plants with extra 10% discount on these

The Classic Hand Trowel - Stainless Steel blade with wooden handle

This is the only hand trowel you'll ever need.

It's a very sturdy, high-quality tool made of stainless steel (so it will not rust), with a comfortable wooden handle. It's perfect for a variety of tasks such as repotting but also for planting seeds, bulbs, and smaller plants. Use it for digging, weeding, loosening soil, aerating or transplanting plants.

  • Ergonomic handle, that provides good grip and comfort, made of wood.
  • Durable and sturdy: the stainless steel is very sturdy, will not bend or rust and is easy to clean.
  • Accurate: the blade of the trowel is engraved with the gradation in cm and inches, to help you plant at the correct depth for your chosen variety.
  • Easy to store: the hanging hole and little strap make it easy to store and hang it anywhere.


Temporarily unavailable

Neem Oil, ready to mix, 100ml

Having plant issues? This tree oil may be the solution. It comes from Azadirachta indica, a tree native to South Asia and is an all natural way to prevent and treat fungus issues, bacteria and insects. 

Neem oil is extracted from the seeds of the tropical neem tree. By using a cold press extraction method, all active properties of the tree are maintained. The oil is then bottled with Rimulgan (made from caster oil) and peppermint essential oil to create an effective and easy to use neem oil for plants.

All our liquid products are packed in amber glass bottles for an elegant look. This is a 100 ml bottle is enough to create 10 L of protective plant spray, once mixed with water. We’ve included a practical measuring cup. Use a plant mister to apply the mixture to the soil and leaves of your plants. Don’t spray it on your leaves when they are in direct sunlight.

Neem oil is a good natural way to keep unwanted insects at bay, so they don’t disrupt the growth of your plants.

It can also be used to fight fungus like mould, mildew or blight and bacteria like fire blights.


How does liquid plant food work?

Spreading a bit of our organic fertilizer onto your indoor garden is a high-speed way of getting them their nutrients. It’s readily absorbed by the plant roots, so you’ll notice quick results. Please note that the bottled plant food is a concentrate, so you do need to mix it with water.

Our organic plant nutrient

– Practical bottle with eyedropper easy to dose.

– Organic. Made of 100% beets vinasse from organic cultivation.

– All purpose. Safe for cuttings, hydroculture and plants in soil.

– Vegan. Made of plants, for plants.

– Bigger bottle available. Check our listing for the 450 ml pump bottle.

Additional information

Volumetric Weight 352 g
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 12 cm
Country of Origin


14 reviews for Complete Organic Plant Food – 50ml

  1. English

    Jens B (verified owner)

    Der Dünger war bei mir schon in dem Deluxe Geschenkset mit dabei und ich habe ihn nun nochmal nachbestellt. Alle meine Stecklinge schießen nur so in die Höhe und ich bin mir sicher, dass der Dünger dabei eine große Rolle spielt. Die Flasche ist zudem sehr handlich und mithilfe der Pipette sehr leicht anzuwenden. Bin voll und ganz zufrieden.

  2. English

    Eliza Osborne (verified owner)

    My plants love these and the eyedropper is so useful in order to make sure you give the right amount

  3. English

    Therese (verified owner)

    Erst die Keimplatte und jetzt der Dünger dazu, super Kombi. Meine Wurzeln wachsen tatsächlich deutlich schneller!

  4. English

    Kim Weiß (verified owner)

    Cool, das er organisch ist

  5. English

    Edith Bentley (verified owner)

    I combine this plant food with the rain water I collect and my plants love it! My little secret to happy plants 😉

  6. English

    Ilka Duiveman (verified owner)

    Werkt goed! handig met het pipetje voor de dosering. ik gebruik het voor al mijn plantjes, niet alleen de stekjes op water.

  7. English

    Benoît R. (verified owner)

    J’en donne à toutes mes plantes et elles adorent

  8. English

    Corrie G. (verified owner)

    Fijne plantenvoeding, ik heb een test gedaan bij twee plantjes, met en zonder de druppels en ik zie een duidelijk verschil. fijn dat het ook biologisch is en op plantaardig basis. Ik gebruik liever geen chemische producten op mijn planten/in mijn huis ivm huisdieren en kindje

  9. English

    J. Marousel (verified owner)

    Ce petit engrais a déjà fait ses preuves sur mes plantes et je vais continuer de l’utiliser car ce n’est vraiment pas un produit chimique

  10. English

    Daniella Eurini (verified owner)

    These drops made a big difference for my cuttings in water, they grow much better. You do have to rinse the water every week or two though, otherwise it will start to grow green seaweed…

  11. English

    Betty Yearsley (verified owner)

    My plants never looked incredibly healthy, brown tips etc…Turns out this nutrient is all I needed!

  12. English

    P. ferroux (verified owner)

    très bien

  13. English

    maxime (verified owner)

    J’avais déjà fini la petite bouteille, et j’ai recommandé le grand format cette fois ci mes plantes adorent

  14. English

    aurélie legrand (verified owner)

    comforme à la description et envoi rapide. très pratique avec la pipette

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

Plant Food (Fertiliser)

In general, you should fertilise your plants if it's actively growing. Roughly from April to November here in Amsterdam. But if you see signs of growth outside of this range, keep on feeding the growth with plant food.

For plants in water, use about 1 drop per glass of water (250ml) per week.

For plants in soil, use about 3 times as much. If you have lots of plants, you might find the large bottle with the pump very practical. Use one pump for a 3L watering can.

The plant food is made of sugar beets, specifically a by-product called vinasse.

It's vegan and organic, and made in Europe.

Organic fertilizers are derived from the remains of living organisms; in our case from sugar beets.

Organic fertilizers release their nutrients slowly: they dissolve in water, and they’re broken down by bacteria in the soil, providing nutrients as they decompose.

One of the many benefits of organic fertilisers is they improve the “structure” of the soil. They feed the microorganisms that convert nutrients, so plants can access them. Often, micronutrients are also present, which is not the case in synthetic fertilisers.

These fertilizers act slowly, that's why it’s almost impossible to “burn” or kill roots or plants by applying too much. When overdosing with synthetic fertilisers, however, can have potentially fatal results for your plants.

Finally, synthetics fertilisers are produced from fossil fuels and mineral ore.

Our plant food is made from a renewable source, a by-product of sugar beets called vinasse, cultivated with organic agriculture.


It is! Our plant food is made of plants, for plants.

You might be wondering : are there plant fertilisers that are NOT vegan?
Yes, that's very much the case. Many fertilisers use animal sources of nutrients, such as bone meal, blood meal and fish-based fertilisers. Cow manure fertiliser is often a by-product of large meat production facilities.

The N-P-K-ratio of our plant food is N-P-K 3-1-6.

The N-P-K-ratio is the percentage the product contains by volume of nitrogen (chemical symbol N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K).

Yes! Our plant food is perfectly suited for your cuttings growing in water, and for your hydroculture plants. The gentle, organic formulation won't burn the roots as synthetic fertilisers can.

Yes! Our plant food is a great choice for plants growing in any substrate, including LECA (clay beads) and other soil-free substrates. Lechuza Pon already contains (synthetic) fertilizer, so you only need to start adding new plant food when that fertiliser is already used up.

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