Did you already succeed at growing an avocado pit? Here are all the plants you can try next…
So, you tried to grow your avocado plant into a plant… and it worked! Well done. Now that you’ve gotten a taste of the magic powers hidden inside seeds and pits, you’re wondering what’s next. Which seed or pit or even cutting would you like to grow at home? At Botanopia, we’ve tried hundreds of different species.
From seeds, from pits, from food scraps, or from cuttings.
Here’s a few ideas for you, that you can try from your pantry :
Did you know you could grow a new pineapple plant, using the crown of the fruit? So eat the flesh and save the leaves. Here’s how to grow your own pineapple plant.
Inside a mango pit, you’ll find a very big seed. In this video, we show you how to open the mango pit, and germinate the mango seed to grow your own tiny mango tree.
There’s still a lot more plants you can try:
Acorns, chestnuts, all kinds of nuts like walnuts, hazelnuts, pecan nuts, almonds, pistachios, peanuts, beans, but also roots like ginger and turmeric, sweet potatoes, garlic bulbs, flower bulbs and much more. You can also try to root cuttings from countless varieties of plants, and cacti and succulents as well.

Finally, here’s a little preview of all the plants we’ve tried growing in water so far.
They’re divided in 2 categories: the ones perfect for the germination plate size S, and the ones better suited for the size L.